Author Interview with Haddessah Anne Brice

Author Interview with Haddessah Anne Brice

We are so excited to meet with one of our wonderful children’s author’s Haddessah Anne Brice, or as we like to call her, Haddie. Her children book, Once Upon A Tower, about a young princess under the thumb of her cruel parents, is available now for purchase! It was artfully illustrated by Emily St. Marie and captures the whimsy and magic of a powerful fairytale that will teach children to gather the strength residing within their young souls and tear down barriers holding them back from their true calling.

Once Upon a Tower With Haddessah Anne Brice Cover

Haddie, thank you for meeting with us today! Can you tell us a little about yourself.

Ummm… I don’t know where to start, and don’t like talking much about myself. But I’ll brag on my friends and Godkids for hours! LoL 

What type of material do you usually write? 

That depends. I dabble in a lot of things, but mostly I write kid’s books and poetry in various genres.

 What does your writing and revision process look like?

If the story isn’t working, I go back to the beginning and work my way through it until I figure out what the characters are trying to say that I missed. This typically happens every few chapters. So by the time I show it to Abby and Brittany, I have literally done everything I can with it and need another set or two of eyes to help me dig deeper into the story.

 What is the hardest part about writing, in your opinion?

Getting what’s in my head, onto the page. I have two sayings that I use equally as often. 1. I wish I could run a patch cord from my brain to the computer, so then all I’d have to do is edit. 2. I can’t edit what isn’t on the page. Type ANYTHING!

 What is your favorite thing about being a writer? 

I’ve been a story teller since I could talk and a writer since I learned to read and write. The written word and the images your particular set of word choices creates are my drug. I am addicted to stories.

 What advice do you have for new/debut authors? 

Read A LOT! Write fanfic and RP as practice for new techniques you want to try out. Don’t hold yourself to a higher standard than you would others. If you would be understanding of someone else’s gaff, be understanding toward yourself for the same gaff.

 Do you have any links or resources you’d like to share about writing or for your own materials? 

I tell anyone who’s interested in ANY kind of writing, that they need to read “Noble’s Book of Writing Blunders (and how to avoid them)” by William Noble.

I’ve read several books about writing but that one doesn’t read like a textbook and it changed my life (as far as my writing goes).

Do you have a favorite quote from a book?

“I could no sooner choose a favorite star in the heavens!” Danielle De Barbarac ~ Ever After

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