3rd Grade Book Club

When Tina Hotchkiss asked her 3rd grade book club if they’d like to take a stab at being authors, they joyfully accepted her challenge. One child even got out of her seat and did some cartwheels out of excitement. This Third grade class worked together for a year to bring this book to fruition. Willow, Jase, Scarlett, Kason, Jesus, Shyanne, Paisley, and Geneva are going to become amazing authors, Adventures of the Wildcat Bookclub is just the beginning.

Adventures of the Wildcat Book Club

Coming October 24, 2023

The students of the Third Grade Book Club are wracked with confusion as their classmates and teachers go missing with nothing left behind but mounds of green goo. Follow Jase, Paisley, Kason, Jesus, Geneva, Willow, Scarlett, and Shyanne as they use clues and uncover the dark mystery behind the school’s creepy past, but they have to be very careful and not let the green goo take them alive in the process! Are Trumann Elementary’s young readers able to save their school? Find out on this gripping adventure of teamwork and friendship as eight students embark on a journey to find the book club’s assistant principal.

Let us know if you have questions for the 3rd Grade Book Club